I admit it: I'm a total geek. I love electronics, programming, 3D printing, 3D art, and vintage Apple hardware. I'm always juggling half a dozen projects. I also enjoy documenting it all: my successes, my failures, my experiences... and everything geeky along the way.

Bot Genesis | Kevin Rye.net - Main

Kevin Rye

Geek Extraordinaire. Yeh, I said it.

Bot Genesis

Bot Genesis is something that I’ve been wanting for a long time. However, I didn’t think it was worth $30 bucks. I kept waiting until I could get it on a crazy sale. With the release of Giselle 6, any new purchase gave you a 60% discount off some featured artists’ stores. Needless to say, I just scored Bot Genesis for $16.47. Not bad. I think that just might be worth it.

The creator hasn’t updated it or come out with a new version for the Genesis 2 line, so I had to use Michael 5 and Stephane 5. I dropped them in and added all the parts that come with the set.

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Here’s a quick render without any lights. You can texture the joints with the characters skin, but for now, here’s the default without anything applied.

bot genesis 1
bot genesis 3

I figured I’d also try and see if the bot parts would auto-fit to Victoria 6. No such luck.

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Adding the chrome shaders worked pretty well. They look very cool.
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There’s several shaders to choose from.
bot genesis 5b

You can also add individual body parts.

bot genesis 4 copy

It’ll work on any Genesis character. Even the Freak. That looks pretty bad-ass. I’ll have to do something with some massive robot warriors in the future. Can you imagine a render with 10 of these dudes wrecking it?!
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Seeing the chrome shader in action makes me think of the Silver Surfer. How easy should that be to pull off? I dropped in Michael 5 Heroic, added a surfboard, applied the shader, and rendered it out.

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Please excuse the crudeness of the background, but I literally threw this together in 5 minutes. But there it is: the Silver Surfer.

silver surfer 3

On to Victoria.

I used the Shader Mixer to apply the chrome shaders to all the parts that needed it, leaving the head with Victoria’s texture. I used Zev0’s Skin Builder for the head and added some hair. I dropped in a plain and added a deformer to it.

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I added a little sci-fi prop and some lights.

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That’s very cool. Definitely worth $16 bucks. Actually, after seeing the results, I’d say it’s even worth the full $30.

bot gen metal 1 with post

I then decided to make a version that would look cool on my desktop. I stretched out the wall to fill the scene and moved Victoria into a laying position.

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I then rendered it out.

bot genesis wide 10

I took it into Pixelmator and added a few of Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares.

Bot Genesis final

Pretty cool. Adding some cyborgs to some Sci-Fi renders is going to look very cool.