CRT Clock Case | Kevin - Main

Kevin Rye

Geek Extraordinaire. Yeh, I said it.

CRT Clock Case

With the electronics complete, the frame 3D-printed, and the code complete, it was time to design the laser-cut acrylic case.

I jumped into Inkscape and put something together.

Screen Shot 2015-08-16 at 3.50.37 PM

Ponoko was on the money this time. I submitted my order on Sunday, they made it on Monday and shipped it out the same day. I had it in-hand on Wednesday. That's the fastest turnaround I've seen yet.


It came out awesome, and I nailed all the holes for the feet, the buttons, and the power jack.


It all went together perfectly.


I'm really proud of this one. I learned a lot from this project, and it was a lot of fun. It has a little bit of everything: PCBs, coding, 3D-printing, laser cutting. I put a lot of work into it, and I think it came out great. It's probably my most unique clock yet.

I can't wait to see what's next! Maybe an arcade?

See this project from start to finish:
CRT Clock, Part I
CRT Clock, Part II
CRT Clock, Part III
CRT Clock, Part IV
CRT Clock Case