Oct 16, 2018

Ever since I saw this one announced, I've had my eye out for it. My wife even asked the guy at our local liquor store to get some in. It took about two weeks, but he pulled through with a few cases.
Read More... Jul 29, 2018

A whisky for $20 bucks? Can it be any good? No, it is not. This is exactly what you'd expect from a store brand. It was pretty rough.
Read More... Jul 13, 2018

It's the same price as a regular black, but it come with some cool Johnnie Walker dominos. Who can say no?
Read More... Apr 04, 2018

Johnnie Walker released this for International Women's Day.
Read More... Dec 25, 2017

Johnny Walker has re-branded Platinum. It's not a new Gold.
Read More...Dec 25, 2017

I just can't pass up a new Johnnie Walker. This is #6 from the Blender's Batch series.
Read More...Apr 05, 2017

It's not that often you come a cross a new Johnnie Walker, even if it is a cheapie one. For the price I paid, I'd imagine this is on par with Red.
Read More... Dec 25, 2015

Wow, was Santa good to me this year! I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be able to claim bragging rights to a $500 bottle of whisky!
Read More... Oct 28, 2015

I just picked up the newly released Johnnie Walker Select Casks - Rye Cask Finish. This is unlike any other Johnnie Walker I’ve had before. If you don’t like Bourbon, you will not like this, because that’s what it tastes like.
Read More... Jul 30, 2015

It's been a long time since I enjoyed a bottle of Gold. Actually, it's been about a year. It's so much better than Black. For an extra $15 bucks, it's so worth it.
Read More... Jun 22, 2015

It's no Johnnie Walker Black, but it'll do in a pinch. (See what I did there?) I picked up a Pinch a year ago. It wasn't bad. I like to keep a blend in the house just for when I want to knock back a whisky and not take myself too seriously. JW Black is my go-to whisky, but if it's good enough for Walter White, it's good enough for me.
Read More... Apr 01, 2015

I never thought I'd live to see the day! Ever since I took up Johnnie Walker, I've been wanting to experience the entire line. I was so disappointed to find out that the Green Label was discontinued only a few short years ago after reading so many amazing reviews about it. As it turns out, Diageo has re-released the Green label for a limited time to celebrate the 10th anniversary.
Read More... Mar 13, 2015

I got a nice promotion at work, so my wife treated me to a bottle. It was a very nice surprise. I told her that Platinum is the new Black. She just laughed and said, "Not at $90 a bottle it isn't!"
Read More... Dec 28, 2014

Oh. My. Goodness!
Can you believe it? A full bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue! Ever since my wife picked me up the 4-bottle sampler back in June, I have longed to once more savor the perfection of Johnnie Walker Blue. With a lot of things, people say, "Don't believe the hype." But with Johnnie Walker Blue, it really is THAT GOOD!
Read More... Aug 16, 2014

I’ve had my eye on this Limited Edition bottle of Johnny Walker Gold Reserve for quite some time. By “quite some time”, I mean 4 months. That’s around the time I settled on Johnnie Walker Black as my everyday goto whisky. I’ve seen that gleaming gold bottle on a few liquor store shelves in the past, but felt that $70 was just a bit out of my reach.
Read More... Jul 23, 2014

The Dimple Pinch makes for a great everyday whisky. It's easy to drink, and you wouldn't feel bad about mixing it with some ginger ale. The uniqueness of the bottle as well as the attractive box make for a great presentation. The Dimple Pinch would make for a great gift; for any holiday or occasion. It's as if this whisky was made to be given away!
Read More... Jul 03, 2014

I can’t believe it was only 3 days ago that I said that Johnnie Walker Swing was the only Johnnie Walker I hadn’t tried, and there it was! Sitting pretty at $57.99 a bottle. I just had to try it.
Read More... Jun 15, 2014

My wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s day. I told her she could just buy me booze. Not only did she pick me up a bottle of Black, but she picked me up a huge 1.75 liter bottle!
Read More... Jun 14, 2014

My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Half joking, I asked her for a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. A 750ml bottle in these parts costs a good $180 bucks. Not only did my wife give me a bottle of Blue, but she gave me a bottle of Black, Gold, and Platinum!
Read More... May 22, 2014

After drinking a bottle of Black, going back to a bottle of Red really showed me the difference. After killing another bottle of Red, I figured I'd treat myself to a bottle of Double Black.
Read More... May 12, 2014

I killed that last bottle of Johnnie Walker Red and was itching to try a full bottle of Black. I had two 200ml bottles between two Reds, but honesty, I hadn’t had enough Red in order to appreciate such a small taste of Black.
Read More... Apr 26, 2014

Being born in Scotland, there’s just something that tells me that I should be drinking whisky. Isn’t this stuff supposed to run in or veins? Someone from Scotland who doesn’t drink whisky is like someone from Scotland who doesn’t own a kilt. (And yes, I own a kilt.) I decided it was time to acquire a taste for it.