Johnnie Walker Swing | Kevin - Whisky

Kevin Rye

Geek Extraordinaire. Yeh, I said it.

Johnnie Walker Swing

I just found what I think is the biggest liquor store I’ve ever seen! It’s about a 30 minute drive from me. Going there really is the destination, and not somewhere I can just swing in and out of on the way to/from home/work.

The place is called Total Wine & More, and it’s absolutely amazing. They have more whisky than my local liquor store has liquor. I kid you not. It’s so big, they have 11 cash registers up front!

Yes, that is indeed a 40-foot run of whisky!


Not only do they have more brands of whisky that I can drink in a lifetime, they have 10 on my list!


I can’t believe it was only 3 days ago that I said that Johnnie Walker Swing was the only Johnnie Walker I hadn’t tried, and there it was! Sitting pretty at $57.99 a bottle. It’s more of a novelty that anything. There’s no way it’s a $60 bottle of scotch. They’re probably just charging a premium because it’s so hard to find. The reason you can’t get it in stores is because it’s not made for mass distribution. It’s more commonly found in Duty Free shops around the world. It’s more of a whisky for the masses; drinkers who aren’t aficionados. It’s the kind of whisky you give your boss at Christmas time. It’s a good all-round whisky and isn’t likely to offend.

I just had to try it.



This is such a cool bottle. This would make a pretty neat piggy bank when it’s finished!


I really like the raised thistles on the bottle.


I’ll spare you story of why it’s called “Swing”, because the story is common enough, but if you’ve never seen it in it is. (Sorry about shooting in portrait mode for this, but I kind of had to.)

Pretty neat.

I poured a glass and thought that it looked very amber, as if it had a splash of caramel in it. I poured a glass of Black and placed them side by side.

swing vs black_0002

It must be an optical illusion, because they look identical. The Black label is on the right.

So how’s it taste? Honestly, it tastes a lot like Black, but sweeter. Maybe a little thicker/syrupy. It definitely smells sweeter, like honey, but overall there’s nothing there that’s worth paying an extra $20 bucks for. Buy it if you want just to say you tried it, but you’ll save a few bucks with a bottle of Black.