In order to
showcase Michael 6, I had thrown together a few test renders. I beefed up Michael a little with the morph controls and dressed him up in the
Barbarian Overlord for Genesis outfit.

I threw the
Aslan Court 2 in the background. I deleted some parts of the set that you’d never see in the render. This also let some of my distant lights reach Michael without creating crazy shadows.

I set the aspect ratio to 8x10 and ran a render

It came out pretty nice and was only meant to showcase the fact that Michael 6, being a Genesis 2 Male, could still wear Geneses outfits via the auto-fit tool.

I decided to revisit that render in order to make it an aspect ratio that would work as a desktop wallpaper.
I changed the aspect ration to 16:9, tilted the camera to add a little bit of a dramatic effect, and added a little depth-of-field.

I added a few more lights to the background and ran another render.

Pretty sweet. I then took it into Aperture and added a vignette in order to darken up that back corridor.

Very nice, and it looks great on my desktop.

It’s funny... my wife came in and said, “Nice!”. To which I answered, “Yeah... I was sort of going for a self portrait, but I’m not sure if I nailed the eye color.”
She just laughed and said, “Yeh, because everything else is spot-on, right?” with about as much sarcasm as she could muster.
That’s OK. I have to throw in a couple of buff-dudes every now and then so that she doesn’t give me flack over all the Victoria skimp-wear.