Aug 20, 2014

This one just sort of came to me out of nowhere. I was playing with Zev0’s Skin Builder and came up with a pretty dark skin texture. I thought Victoria looked great with a really dark skin texture. She looked pretty good in the Pirates! render. I decided to drop Michael 5 in and apply the Benjamin texture for a nice duo.
Read More... Aug 07, 2014

I picked up some cool pirate outfits not too long ago. Since my wife and I just watched a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon, I thought it was appropriate to fire off a pirate-themed render. I guess it’s nice to take a break every now and then from sexy girls in skimpwear to try something new. Not that I mind sexy girls in skimpwear. I have to admit, this was a very involved and complicated scene. It took almost 2 weeks and about 30 renders before it was complete. I used more props than I can count; not to mention the 27 figures I used that are all fully dressed.
Read More... Sep 06, 2013

I have so many ideas for scenes with dragons, fighters, warriors etc, that it was only a matter of time before I had to pick up Michael 5. There’s only so much you ca do with Victoria. Sure, hot chicks fighting dragons is awesome, but sometimes your scene really just needs a dude.