Aug 07, 2014

I picked up some cool pirate outfits not too long ago. Since my wife and I just watched a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon, I thought it was appropriate to fire off a pirate-themed render. I guess it’s nice to take a break every now and then from sexy girls in skimpwear to try something new. Not that I mind sexy girls in skimpwear. I have to admit, this was a very involved and complicated scene. It took almost 2 weeks and about 30 renders before it was complete. I used more props than I can count; not to mention the 27 figures I used that are all fully dressed.
Read More... Oct 24, 2013

DAZ released a whole new morph package today. It’s called the Creature Creator HD for Genesis 2 Female. They also put out an add-ons package that comes with leg options, horns, ears and a few additional textures. I can’t wait to see what fun I can have making some really cool creatures!
Read More... Oct 17, 2013

This is a Genesis 2 Female wearing the Darkish for Emotions outfit. I wasn’t planning on using this outfit in a scene just yet. I just wanted to see how it looked.
Read More... Sep 26, 2013

I picked up Jack Tomalin’s Holiday Nook. I wanted to make a scene with a sexy girl in lingerie having a glass of wine by the fireplace. The more I played around with it, the more I wanted it to have a few sexy girls dressed in lingerie drinking wine by the fireplace. Something of a sleepover, but with adults.
Read More... Sep 21, 2013

I picked up a cool Yoga pose set for Genesis. There’s a lot of nice looking Yoga poses in it. I figured it would make for a nice tranquil scene.
Read More... Sep 14, 2013

I got suckered by another one of DAZ’s crazy sales. The fact that they threw in a $5 off coupon didn’t help either. Well, it helped, but you know what I mean. I picked up a bunch of poses, weapons, clothes, and a bunch of other stuff. One item that really stood out from my weekend splurge (that I was eager to play with) was the Lorella Fantasy Outfit.
Read More... Aug 03, 2013

I found a new model today: Katana. Not only does she come with a high texture skin map, but she was on sale!
Read More... Jul 26, 2013

I was really pleased with the way that my first 3D graphic came out. I wanted to keep the ball rolling and jump straight into another one. I wanted the next one to be more elaborate than the first. The first image I did was more of a proof of concept. I used it to familiarize myself with the software and techniques. This time I wanted to have a go at creating the background in DAZ Studio as well; instead of just filling the negative space with smoke.
Read More... Jul 20, 2013

I've been wanting to get into 3D modeling for years but the software needed to do it is crazy expensive. I’d love to use Poser. It looks amazing, but it’s $300 bucks. I could never justify the $700 price tag for ZBrush either. I found DAZ Studio yesterday. It's amazing. And it's free! Their whole deal is to give you the software for free with the hopes that you'll buy content and plugins, etc. Sounds like a good business model because I can see myself getting hooked on this.