I discovered a new character: Bree. And man is she gorgeous! Keira Knightley: eye your heart out!

I like the hair, but I wanted to do something with long hair. I also wanted to do something a little more sexier than the last two I’ve done. Maybe some sexy lingerie?

I added a bed and repositioned Bree’s left arm to hold the bed post.

I then added a few more pieces of furniture, some walls, and started dropping in some lights.

I thought about rendering something full-faced, but I really wanted her body in the render.

She’s kind of sexy with her hair covering one eye, and I like the angle. But again, I really wanted her body in the render.

After a few tweaks, I settled on this one. She’s looking at something off to the side. Maybe her husband in the bathroom. Maybe the Moon through the window. The room will be predominantly lit by candle light, but there will be a light source from her left that shines a little light on her face.

I tiled an image to the wall planes.

I changed the zoom and angle slightly and tweaked the lights to set the mood.

For grins, I thought I’d try that side angle again and throw on a silk dress.

Oooh. I think that might be side-project for another day. I might be onto something with that one. That’s sexy. Anyway…..
It’s looking awesome, but the pillow and bed are a problem. She basically disappears into the pillow. There’s no interaction between Bree, the pillow, and the bed.

I need to add some deforrmers to make it look like the covers and the pillow are compressing under her weight.

I wanted a deeper shadow behind her back, so I added another deformer as well as one for her heel and leg.

What a difference!

I also swapped out the candle. The other one I had looked like some cheesy graphic from the ‘90s.

However, I didn’t like the stock flame that came with it. It looked like a Christmas tree light. I fixed it in post.

With that, the image was complete. Check it out: