DAZ gave away a free
Sci-Fi Warrior Bundle the other day. It’s basically a ready-to-render scene for beginners.

Not much to look at. Besides, these ready-to-render scenes is cheating. I’ve never been known to leave things well enough alone.
I switched up Genesis for Victoria 6 and ditched the set entirely in favor of Jack Tomalin’s
GIS Orion set. Ok, so basically I’m using the outfit and weapons.

I got to work on tweaking Victoria, the camera angle, depth of field, and the lights.

But I couldn’t leave well enough alone. I had to drop in another two Victorias.

I set them up as a trio and tweaked my settings.

Not bad. Sort of has a Charlie’s Angels feel to it.

But it needs more. I dropped in a few Michaels and gave them the Voyager outfit.

I then laid them out on the floor. They got themselves handled.

I then popped another two on the move in the background, closing in fast.

I then tweaked my camera angle again, depth of field, and lights.

OK, now that’s starting to look like something!

I then took it into Pixelmator and added some after effects. I think it kind of has a vintage ‘70s Sci-Fi feel to it. Cool!