DAZ’s Platinum Anniversary is in full swing. Week 2’s reward for buying 12 items was a Pro Bundle of your choice. Since I already have Victoria 5 and Michael 5, I opted for Stephanie 5. That’s a $125.00 bundle for free!
What an amazing character! She’s based off Genesis, so she can take advantage of all that Genesis has to offer. No more “Victoria 4 only” limitations! I’m also going to pick up the
Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle so that I can have all the advanced morph controls. Even though it’s a Pro Bundle, you don’t get all the morph controls. (i.e., no breast and nipple controls!)
The Pro Bundle comes packed with:

The Genesis Female Genitalia is the real deal too. Not that “crease” business you get with V4. You can only get it with the Pro Bundle. Shwing!
Right out of the box, Stephanie 5 comes with three model types: the default, curvy, and model.
I always though it was silly that V4 has a painted on bikini by default. Genesis, on the other hand, comes in her birthday suit by default. (With all the girlie bits.)
Left to the right: curly, default , model.

Stephanie is pretty petite by default. Seeing the default size side-by-side with the model size made me think that the “model” size was the same as Victoria. Not so. I dropped in Victoria to compare. To my surprise, the model version is still shorter than Victoria.

The Pro Bundle comes with a Riley and a Kiera character. I don’t have the Genesis Evolution morphs installed, so the morphs won’t load completely. For now, I can just check out the textures.
Some of the head morphs did apply. Riley has a weird, pouty-lip thing happening. Kiera showed some breast changes.
From Left to Right: Stephanie default, Kiera, Riley. All have the Pure Hair: Lovely. The basicwear came with the V4 Pro Bundle.

The bundle also came with several outfits. This is the Cool Sports package. There are several colors to choose from. I didn’t bother adding hair for the render.

This one is the Lily Nymph outfit. There are several options to choose from. I added the Luka Hair just so they weren’t bald. I didn’t bother tweaking the hair for the headband.

Summer Casuals Fitted Sundress with Pure Hair: Crazy.

Finally, the Lycan Hunter. This is a really nice outfit. It has several skirt options that can be added or subtracted for different looks. There are several color options to choose from. It also comes with the jewelry and the guns!

Pretty cool stuff. I can’t wait to throw together a few renders using Stephanie.