The Hunter
Oct 20, 2013 Filed in:
Stephanie 5 | MonstrositiesI though the Lycan Hunter outfit from the
Stephanie 5 Pro Bundle was the best item of the lot. I wanted to throw together a quick scene to test it out.
I gave Stephanie some red Pure Hair: Crazy hair and posed her.

I then dropped in Jack Tomalin’s
Parkside Head and stuck her in a corner on the balcony.

I then dropped in some bad guys. I don’t have any Lycans, so some
Fiends will have to do. I scaled them down a bit so that they wouldn’t be super-huge.

I gave it a test render. Pretty cool, but it needs some colored lights.

Maybe some green? And maybe the outfit will look better in red.

I took the render into Pixelmator to add some after-effects. I added some bullets, smoke, and muzzle flash.

For the final effect, I added some blood splatter.

This one was a quick and easy render. I didn’t go nuts with the lights. It was supposed to be a quick test, but it came out pretty cool!