I hadn’t even gone through all the goodies that came with the
Stephanie 5 Pro Bundle before I jumped right into creating a scene. I was so eager to make something with Stephanie!
I started with her default texture, but I found her to look a little too pink. Maybe I’m missing something?

Eager to move on, I applied the
Ianthe texture along with some makeup. Isn’t she a cutie?

I gave her a cute pose and applied the
Lorella Fantasy Outfit.
I started dropping in some
vegetation around her.

To fill in the background, I added the
Forest Superior.

The forest is huge! That little nothing you see selected in the middle is Stephanie!

If that wasn’t enough, the scene needed just a little bit more. I added a well
and a bucket.

I ran a test render to see how that was looking.

That’s a really nice material on the Lorella outfit, but it doesn’t really match the scene. She’s fetching a pale of water in the middle of the forest, so maybe she’s an Elf or something; not so much a princess.
With that, I changed it to a green material. I also thought the tiara was a little much, so I got rid of that.

I tweaked the depth of field on the camera so that a few of the grass stalks in the foreground would appear a little out-of-focus.

I added a few colored lights and gave it a render.

That’s a little too much sun on her back, and the light reaches a little too far back into the woods. I tweaked my light settings and gave it another render.

The distant light was fully illuminating her from behind. I didn’t want that. I just wanted a little light cast on her back, so I dropped in a point light right behind her.

I then gave it another render. That’s a little better. Now it looks like there’s a little sun at her back.

I then took the render into Pixelmator and added some bokeh effects to the blurred areas in the foreground.