3D Printed Beskar
I found a really nice looking Beskar 3D model online and I thought it would be really cool to print a stack of them.
I dropped the model into MatterControl and got to printing.

Interesting…there are some really weird vertical lines running down the model on the left side. It's not in the model, so it must have something to do with the infill pattern or the path that the nozzle is taking during the print.

That looks horrible.

I played around with the settings and printed several more. I even tried to turn it on its side.

No matter what I did, those lines appeared somewhere. A really strange thing happened when I printed the model on its side. The wavy pattern that it has came out way less pronounced than when it's printed vertically. Very strange. At this point I had printed 3 or 4 of them. At 10 hour each, I decided to cut my losses and go with resin.
I put three on the bed and let it print overnight. Despite me printing the models hollow and filling the vat all the way to the max, it ran out of resin. What a disaster. It had maybe 2 millimeters to go! In addition, the FET film took a beating from the model going up and down without resin. It left some marks on it that I could not remove. I should have just been more patient and printed one or two at a time. I'm still pretty new to resin printing so I haven't mastered the art of knowing if the amount of resin in the tank is enough to do the job. I can look at a roll of PLA and tell you exactly how far it'll go but with resin, I'm not there yet.

I was so disappointed that I threw those 3 incomplete models in the trash. In hindsight, I should have kept them and just used something like Bondo the fill in the top. Oh well.
I replaced the FEP film and printed two more. (One at a time this time!)

I then painted them black, rubbed on some graphite, and gave them a clearcoat. I kept the best looking PLA one and the 2 resin ones that I did. I should have just kept them all, even if they were not perfect. Oh well, I guess a stack of three isn't terrible.