Aug 31, 2014

My wife kicked off with the kids to her friend’s house for the weekend. While I’d love some peace and quiet to work on PCBs, 3D renders, and code, I figured I’d bugger off and do something too. While I treasure my “me time”, this is also the weekend that the Capitol District Scottish Games are held. Any excuse to wear my kilt. Gotta represent!
Read More... Jun 15, 2014

My wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s day. I told her she could just buy me booze. Not only did she pick me up a bottle of Black, but she picked me up a huge 1.75 liter bottle!
Read More... May 22, 2014

We're going to Disney! That's right. We have a summer vacation booked for Orlando, Florida. It's going to be awesome! Between Scotland, and 3 states in the US, we're all going to converge in Florida for one huge family vacation. This calls for a commemorative t-shirt, since a family reunion of this magnitude has not been seen in years.
Read More...Apr 26, 2014

Being born in Scotland, there’s just something that tells me that I should be drinking whisky. Isn’t this stuff supposed to run in or veins? Someone from Scotland who doesn’t drink whisky is like someone from Scotland who doesn’t own a kilt. (And yes, I own a kilt.) I decided it was time to acquire a taste for it.