Aug 26, 2017

All the parts are painted and assembled. All the electronics are complete and installed. I made some awesome progress this week. The last thing to do it put some finishing touches on the code and paint the Aperture Science logos onto the centers.
Read More... Aug 19, 2017

I've made some great progress on the cube. All the sanding and painting is well under way, and all the electronics are pretty much finished.
Read More...Apr 28, 2016

The Talking Clock is coming along pretty good. However, I wanted to add a little flare to it. When the clock annunciates the time, I thought it would be really cool to have some LEDs come on. Maybe fade in and then fade out. With all the buttons that I have, the audio amplifier, and the VS1053 breakout board, I’ve pretty much run out of I/O. How am I going to PWM multiple RGB LEDs with only 1 pin left? The answer was Neopixels.