Jul 27, 2020

I was so impressed with the way that my last 3D-printed figurine turned out that I just had to make another one. This model took a whopping 148 hours and 46 minutes to print.
Read More...Jan 12, 2020

It's time for another 3D-printed figurine. This one will be truly epic! It’s going to be bigger than the last, and way more complicated.
Read More...Aug 29, 2019

I'm really happy with the way that the Victoria 8 model came out. I want to make some more large-scale figurines just like it. This time, I want to give it a full paint job instead of just painting it a single color.
Read More...Aug 24, 2019

This Black 3.0 paint is amazing. The Victoria 8 figure is all painted and secured to the base that I made. It came out awesome!
Read More... Aug 04, 2019

The Victoria 8 model is coming out better than I had hoped. It looks awesome, and it's all ready for some Black 3.0 paint!
Read More... Aug 01, 2019

As soon as I caught wind of Black 3.0 paint from Culture Hustle hitting Kickstarter, I had to have a bottle. I want to make something really cool and paint is super black!
Read More...Apr 24, 2015

My first "official" 3D print of Mei Lin came out pretty good. However, it could be better. Everything can always be better! Not to mention, I discovered a shortcoming in the ROBO 3D firmware that messes with the z-axis. It's no wonder my last Mei Lin print was only 11" tall! I know I eye-balled the height, but I thought I was pretty darn close to 12 inches. Knowing now that my model was probably "squished", I decided to have another go at printing it.
Read More... Apr 12, 2015

Continuing with my experiments in printing DAZ 3D models with my 3D printer, I figured I’d up-the-ante with my next print. Seeing as my last attempt was a total success, I wanted to see if I could print a model with clothes…. and twice as large!
Read More... Mar 17, 2015

It's not the main reason I wanted to get a 3D printer, but a big one. I wanted to get a 3D printer in order to print large models of my 3D art creations. I've seen a few people do it online with mixed results. The how-to isn't widely documented and it's not a feature built into DAZ Studio by default. You'd think that printing a simple cube from one app shouldn't be any less difficult than printing a human-shaped figure from another. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done.
Read More... Jul 20, 2013

I've been wanting to get into 3D modeling for years but the software needed to do it is crazy expensive. I’d love to use Poser. It looks amazing, but it’s $300 bucks. I could never justify the $700 price tag for ZBrush either. I found DAZ Studio yesterday. It's amazing. And it's free! Their whole deal is to give you the software for free with the hopes that you'll buy content and plugins, etc. Sounds like a good business model because I can see myself getting hooked on this.