Archives for 2010 | Kevin - Main

Kevin Rye

Geek Extraordinaire. Yeh, I said it.


Nintendo DSi Repair

A few weeks ago, my son cracked the top display on his DSi. I ordered a new display from eBay for $12 bucks. I figured it was an easy install. Much to my surprise, replacing the top LCD involved a 100% disassembly of the entire DSi. It also involved unsoldering the speaker, mic, and camera subassemblies from the top LCD.


I Made My Own 3-Port iPhone Charger

With the addition of the iPhone 4 to my collection, it has been made clear that I need a 3-way charging solution for my iPhones. I find myself constantly juggling power supplies, docks, and cables in order to make sure that all my iPhones are charged when I need them. Read More...

Darth Vader Clock

They replaced all the clocks at work with cheap plastic ones from Staples. All the old-school ones made of metal and glass were headed for the garbage. Luckily, they decided to put them in a box and threw them in the cafeteria with a “FREE CLOCKS” sign.

I have an old Star Wars 12” LP from 1977 that I have always wanted to use as the face for a clock, but never got around to it. Immediately I saw the opportunity for a nice weekend project.


2010 Annual Coin Buying Spree

My iPhone apps did really well this month and Apple deposited a nice fat check into my account. So I figured it was that time of the year to drop some cash on some coins. Gotta try and get those Dansco albums up-to-date!

After a quick review of my albums, I decided to try and fill all the 2003 and 2004 holes this time.


iPhone Radio Hack

I picked up this portable CD player years ago from the clearance rack at Staples. I think it was something ridiculous like $4 bucks. I hack it so I can connect my iPhone up to it. Read More...