Sep 28, 2007 Filed in:
Hacking | Upgrades

I remember a few years ago when blue LEDs became all the rage. Back in my day it was amber and green; red was just old school. Listen to me, I sound like my old man.
Read More... Sep 22, 2007 Filed in:
Electronics | Clocks | TTL | 3D Modeling

It’s time for a new clock. While the first clock I made was nice, it wasn’t exactly “display in the living room” material.
Read More... Sep 22, 2007 Filed in:
Electronics | Clocks

It would be a waste to have perfectly functional prototype parts sitting in a box somewhere. If they’re going to sit in a box, might as well have them sit in a box keeping the time.
Read More... Sep 21, 2007 Filed in:
Electronics | Kits

I ordered a really cool persistence of vision kit called the MiniPOV from for $17.50. It’s really cool.
Read More... Sep 15, 2007 Filed in:
Electronics | Clocks | TTL

Ever since my Dad showed me the nixie clock he built in the 70s from 74XX TTL chips, I’ve been wanting to make my own. I’m a little nervous about playing with high voltage nixies. So for now, I’ll get my feet wet with some low voltage 7-segment displays.
Read More... Jun 07, 2007 Filed in:
Hacking | Upgrades

This is a sweet Tivo upgrade kit from that lets you pimp out your Tivo with a second hard drive.
Read More... Apr 21, 2007 Filed in:
DIY | Apple | 3D Modeling

I’m tired of the clutter on my desk. None of my peripherals seem to have a home. It’s all just kind of lying under the MacBook and Display.
Read More... Mar 17, 2007 Filed in:
Photo Frames

I wanted to make a digital photo frame from an old laptop. I’ve had various laptops over the years that I’ve found in the garbage. I kept them for a while, but eventually they all ended up in the garbage for various reasons. Mostly due to the fact that they were so old, that the hard drives and RAM would not support any OS or applications that would make them the least bit useful. Now that I think back, they all could run a screensaver! For a digital photo frame, thats all you need: an OS, images and a screensaver.
Read More... Jan 13, 2007 Filed in:
DIY | Apple | 3D Modeling

I was tired of looking at my $30 remote lying belly up on my desk like a dead Opossum. I needed to build a remote stand.
Read More... Jan 11, 2007 Filed in:
Electronics | DIY

I needed a pocket sized iPod charger. You know, in case of an emergency.