Aug 22, 2024 Filed in:
3D Printing | Star Wars | Painting

It's time to add some more finishing touches! The gripper and interface arms!

Now that the 3D-printing portion of R2 is pretty much complete, it's time to put on some finishing touches. That means doors and lights!
Read More... Jul 12, 2024 Filed in:
3D Printing | Star Wars | Painting

After 13 months of work, R2 is finally on his feet! I am absolutely thrilled with the results. Every time I walk in the room and look at him, I think to myself, "I can't believe I built that!" I just need to finish the doors and then I can start to work on the electronics and the gripper and interface arms.

It took six months to complete the dome and the body, but only two months to complete the legs. I thought it would have taken longer, but the weather has been good to me so I've been able to get a lot done over the past few weeks.
Read More... Jun 26, 2024 Filed in:
3D Printing | Star Wars | Painting

I completed the center foot and the battery boxes. That's a milestone!
Read More... Apr 28, 2024 Filed in:
3D Printing | Star Wars
I finally finished the foot drives. It took no shortage of time, materials, and patience!

With the body and dome complete, it's time to start on the legs and feet. It took a little over two months to print all the parts. It was so much work! 175 pieces in total.

It took over a month the complete the dome. I still have to mount the holojprojectors, but I will do that later once I print the servo arms. For now, I'm calling it done.