Oct 12, 2018

I'm so glad to have the classic 90s Timex Ironman back in rotation. Ah, the memories!
Read More...Jul 09, 2018

I want to dip my toes in the vintage watch pond, but not break the bank. I figured, something no more than $50 bucks. I scoured eBay and found this little gem for $44 bucks. It's a 1976 30mm military-inspired manual wind field watch.
Read More...Feb 26, 2018

I need three nixie colons for the IN-18 clock. They can be found on eBay, but they are a little expensive for what they are. It's basically a glass tube and two little neon bulbs. There's no way I'm paying $12 each for those. They can be made for a fraction of that.
Read More...Jan 13, 2018

When my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I didn't hesitate: IN-18s. Six of them. After all, it's not everyday someone buys you $300 worth of tubes.
Read More...Mar 16, 2017

Have you seen the new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2? If you pay close attention to the opening scene, you'll see Starlord holding some kind of handheld scanner. I took one look at it and knew it was an old video game. I just had to have one.
Read More... Dec 25, 2016

This is a Sinclair Cambridge vintage calculator from 1973. It's not just any Sinclair Cambridge vintage calculator, but an original model 1.
Read More...Apr 06, 2014

Say hello to the November, 1972 edition of Playboy magazine. What’s so special about this edition? I’ll tell you.... Lena Söderberg - The First Lady of the Internet.
Read More...Dec 23, 2013

The MASTERVOICE Series II is a voice-activated home automation system. It responds to your commands and carries out your requests. With it, you can turn on or off pretty much any light or appliance in your house.
Read More...Dec 23, 2013

Check out what vintage goodie my Dad unearthed in the garage. He had no need for it, so he gave it to me. It’s a FABREX 424 vice made in England.
Read More... Oct 28, 2013

I swung by my friend’s parent’s house the other day to hook up their new TV. While I was there, the mom asked me if I had any use for this old mouse she dug up. I immediately noticed the PS/2 to DB9 adapter on the end and knew it had to be super-old.
Read More... Sep 21, 2013

I found a bunch of 8” floppies in a box of garbage. I figured I’d take them home rather than see them go in a landfill. That, and I just love vintage computer stuff!
Read More... Jul 06, 2013

I unearthed some of my Dad’s old drafting supplies. It’s amazing I’ve had these as long as I have and I haven’t really used them. I’ll have to try my hand at drawing something with these leads.
Read More... Jul 05, 2013

I was digging through my memory box when I came across this old plate of chips that my Dad gave me years ago. These are back from the Pico days. Who knows what they are? Could be calculator microcontrollers, could be from an Accutrac turntable.
Read More... Jul 05, 2013

This is the Model 8 Avo Meter. My Dad gave it to me. He’s had it forever. Another vintage goodie rescued from the garage.
Read More... Jul 04, 2013

My kids got iPad minis for Christmas. They absolutely love them. They never put them down. I figured they’d get a kick out of my Speak & Spell. I wanted them to see that the Speak & Spell was my iPad of the day and that as simple as it was, it was as good as it got.
Read More... Jun 22, 2013

My Dad, forever bestowing upon me vintage goodies of days gone by, happened across a small stash of vintage calculators he’d been holding on to for a good 40 years.