Mar 19, 2014

My 7-year old’s class has been reading the
Flat Stanley book in school. Each kid in the class had to color and cut out a Flat Stanley character and send him to a relative who lives out of town. My brother lives 3,000 miles away in California, so he seemed like the obvious choice for who Flat Stanley should visit. The pictures he emailed back were so great that I decided to make my son a book in iPhoto that he could show off to the class. It would also be a nice keepsake for him, as well as a nice present and thank you for his Uncle.
Read More...Feb 21, 2014

Seven months ago, I started a photo restoration project commissioned by my mother-in-law. Part 1 of the project consisted of scanning in and digitally restoring 166 vintage photos. The photos varied in size from 2x3s to 8x10s. Part 2 of the project was to then create a book in iPhoto to showcase them all. My mother-in-law was so impressed with the collection of books that I’ve made over the years for my wife, that she wanted one to.