Officially Back into Coin Collecting
May 14, 2009 Filed in:
CoinsIt’s been a long time. At least 7 years since I picked up a mint set. Cash is tight when you have 3 kids. It’s also pretty hard to justify to the wife why $100 on a 2001 Silver Proof set is a good deal. Anyway, I’ve decided to start filling in those holes again.
The first order of business is picking up all the mint and proofs sets for 2003-2009. This way I can at least complete the Statehood Quarters set.
I picked up a 2001 Mint set, a 2003 Proof Set, and a 2005 Proof Set on eBay for $45.00. Not bad. I think that’s less than what they were when the mint released them.

So far, I’ve completed 1999 and 2000.

I’m 75% complete with 2001 and 2002.

I’m 25% complete with 2003 and 2005. I have nothing for 2006-2009. Until the next spending spree….