They replaced all the clocks at work with cheap plastic ones from Staples. All the old-school ones made of metal and glass were headed for the garbage. Luckily, they decided to put them in a box and threw them in the cafeteria with a “FREE CLOCKS” sign.
I have an old Star Wars 12” LP from 1977 that I have always wanted to use as the face for a clock, but never got around to it. Immediately I saw the opportunity for a nice weekend project.

Nice clock, huh? Metal and glass. Old School. It looks nice from a distance, but once you get up close, you see how beat up it really is...

It’s pretty scratched up and tarnished. The finish is terrible. The face is carboard and is faded and overall, pretty grungy.

The back isn’t much better. It has that old-cardboard smell.

The metal clips to hold the back in are pretty rusty.

I took the Dremel to them. They’re not pretty, but at least they’re not rusty anymore.

I sanded the bezel with increasingly finer sandpaper until it had a really nice finish.

I then applied a few coats of flat black.

Followed by some lacquer.

A few coats later, I was happy with the finish. The picture doesn’t do it justice.

I threw everything together just to see how it was going to look. I thought the LP was going to totally cover the old face, but you can still see some of it. So that will have to be made black. And to boot, the minute hand won’t go back on the clockworks. It’s loose and falls to the bottom. So I’ll need new hands.

I picked up some black foam-board and clockworks from the craft store.

They’re a little more ornate and smaller than I wanted, but they’ll have to do since it was the best choice of what was available at the craft store.

Not feelin’ the gold either, so I painted them black.

Using the old backboard as a template, I cut out a circle from the foam-board for the new face and Dremeled a hole in the middle

The hands are a little small, but I don’t think it looks that bad.

And, the final assembly...

Impressive. Most impressive.
See this project from start to finish: Darth Vader Clock
Darth Vader Clock Upgrade