I haven’t picked up my guitar in years. It’s mostly due to the fact that it’s in its case tucked away in my closet. Out of sight. Out of mind. I’d really like to get back into playing, but every time I think about it, I never seem to get to the point that it comes out of the case. I got to thinking that if the guitar was in the computer room where I spend most of my time, I’d be more likely to pick it up and mess around with it.
I decided to make a guitar stand for it. Sure, I could hop on Amazon and buy a stand, but what fun is that?
I put something together in SketchUp and exported all the parts as .STL files.

About a day later I had all my parts printed.

I picked up two 5/8” dowels from the craft store and cut them to the desired lengths.

The feet fit perfectly. They’re nice and tight.

I then inserted the legs into the center piece. It’s perfect, and it’s rock solid.

I used the same size holes all around, but apparently one of the dowels is thinner than the other. These ones are a little loose. I’ll have to use a little glue on it once it’s all put together.

Same with the top piece that supports the guitar neck. They’re a little loose too. Rather than print parts over and over again until I get a tight fit, I’ll just use a little glue to tighten the whole thing up.

Seeing that everything was going to go together as planned, I took the whole thing apart and stained the wooden pieces.

After two coats, it was ready to be glued together. I like how the color theme matches the guitar.

It’s way better than those cheapie $10 stands on Amazon, and it only cost me $4 in wooden dowels.