It's been 3 year since I made my sister-in-law her
Sub-Zero mask and outfit for Comic-Con. Sadly, I never took a picture of the outfit. All I have is a picture of the mask.

Since Mortal Combat is totally her jam, she wants to go this time as Scorpion. I used the same model as last time, but since I'm printing it in resin I had to cut the mask in half in order to make it fit in my Mars Pro 2. I glued the two pieces together and mended the seam.

I then gave it a coat of primer.

Lastly, some paint and a strap. Not too shabby.

She also asked me to make a Kunai spear to go with the outfit. I quickly threw something together in Inkscape that I could laser cut.

From the design, to the cutting, to the gluing, I had this thing put together in under an hour.

I then gave it a coat of primer.

I then gave it some black and then some gloss.

Finally, I buffed it with graphite powder, hit it with some gloss again, and wrapped the handle with an old dead iPhone charging cable. Not too bad for a few hours of work.

Lastly, I connected a plastic chain to it so she could hang it from her belt.. Pretty cool. Since it's wood, she can't take it to Comic-Con, but at least she'll be able to use it for Halloween.

I then laser cut a belt buckle. Before I pulled the masking off, I hit it with some white spray paint.

I didn't think to take any progress pics of the outfit, but it was pretty easy to throw together in a few hours. It's basically a yellow plastic table cloth hot-glued around some foam sheets. The black lines are just electrical tape. Quick and easy, and the results are pretty good.

Needless to say, she loves it!