It's been six months since I finished my last
big project. Even repainting the
Victoria 6 figure three months back was meant to get the juices flowing again. I've been so busy with other things that there has not been much time for hobby stuff. I wanted to put together something that won't a month to complete, but something that I could sink my teeth into over a week or two.
I jumped into DAZ and put together a simple scene with a nude figure and a couch.

I took the figurine into Meshmixer and made the hair solid.

I made the couch solid too, removed the feet, and smoothed it out since it was a low-poly model.

I then scaled the figurine as large as I could print it on my Mars Pro 2. It's just about 6.5" long.

I wanted to print the couch in resin too, but I'd have to split it into multiple parts. I didn't want to have to deal with gluing and mending seams, so I went ahead and just printed it in PLA in one piece. It took 24 hours to print. The cushions still came out looking very low rez so I'm going too have to smooth the whole thing out with some 3M Acryl-Green putty.

For the figurine, I started with filling the drain holes.

I then gave it a few coats of primer. I have to admit, this was a mistake. I did a horrible job of sanding it and the primer left it with a rough texture. There's a lot of hard to reach places that I just couldn't get smooth. After printing it nice and smooth in resin, I should have just sanded the 3M putty and jumped right in with a coat of white acrylic.

After the primer, I painted it white.

I then gave it a coat of light pink, followed by a yellow wash, and then brushed on some pastels.

Finally, I painted the face and the hair. Not my best work, but it came out pretty good.

Back to the couch…I painted it with purple acrylic paint. The plan is the flock the couch in purple so it needs to have a nice base coat of color.

I then installed some 4-40 threaded inserts.

Finally, the purple flocking powder that I ordered from eBay arrived.

Since this is my first attempt at flocking something I did not just want to jump in blindly. I decided to do a little experimenting with the various glues that I had in order to determine what would give the best results. I first tried some 3M Super 77 adhesive spray on a test sample, but I was not happy at all with the amount of flock (or the lack thereof) that adhered.
I then tested some Elmer's glue, clear Elmer's glue, PVA glue, and Mod Podge.

I applied the glue, sprinkled on the flocking, and let it dry overnight.

I had my money on the PVA glue, but to my surprise, it appeared that the old school white Elmer's glue actually worked out the best.

I then applied a generous coating of glue to the couch and sprinkled on the flocking powder. After it dried overnight, I shook off the excess. It's not too bad, but you can still see some bald spots.

I then watered down some glue and sprayed the whole model with a spray bottle and applied some more flocking powder. I repeated it again until I had a total of three applications of flocking powder. I then sprayed it again with more watered down glue to lock everything into place.
That looks really good. Flocking powder: achievement unlocked.

I then cut out some adhesive backed felt for the bottom.

I cut it to size and then stuck it on the bottom. Looks pretty nice.

The last thing to do was to make some feet for it.

I printed them in resin so I wouldn't have to do any sanding or priming. I fitted them with 5/8th 4-40 screws and painted them black.

I then installed the feet. It came out pretty nice.