Scale Mail Bust - Part V
I last left off with completing the armor. I have to admit, getting the headdress on was no easy task. I made it just a tad too small. I'm afraid once I glue a wig on the model, I'm not going to be able to get the headdress on. We'll see.

The wig is in the mail so I can't do a test fit. While I wait for that to arrive, I'll start painting it. I first started by giving it a coat of pink.

Then followed by a yellow wash.

I then brushed in the blues, greens, and reds with some chalk pastels.

I then brushed on some brown pastels. There is a weird surface texture right above the left breast that has become somewhat highlighted by the pastels. There's nothing I can do about it to cover it. I guess it'll just have to be a birth mark.

I then started to drop some more color in on the face and the nipples. I then gave it coat of satin gloss spray paint.

I then painted the face.

For the finishing touch, I took some fake lashes and cut them to size and held them in place with some super glue.

Once the wig arrived, I glued it on and put the armor on. I asked my wife to give it some braids on both sides. I thought that would look pretty cool.

I'll probably just put the back in a pony tail to tidy it up.

The moment of truth. All I had to do was the put the headdress on. That is when disaster struck. As I originally had suspected, it was impossible to get the headdress on once the wig was glued on. It's just too tight. I ended up snapping off one of the cheeck guards.

It looks like I'm going to need a bigger headdress.
See this project from start to finish: Scale Mail Bust - Part I Scale Mail Bust - Part II Scale Mail Bust - Part III Scale Mail Bust - Part IV Scale Mail Bust - Part V
Scale Mail Bust - Part VI