More Nixie Tube Experiments
Oct 17, 2014 Filed in:
Electronics | Clocks | NixiesMoving right along with the nixie tube experiments... I decided to add a 74595 shift register into the mix and attempt to shift out some data to two of my nixie breakout boards through a 74141 nixie driver.
Here’s the schematic:

I needed to break out my bigger breadboard for this one. I’m probably going to add a few more nixes to it if it works. I’ll just have to order another set from OSH Park.

I connected a DS3231 RTC module and hooked up my power supply.

After a few hours of playing around with some code, I figured it out. (For the most part.) It’s pretty tricky stuff.

Sometimes it pays to look at other people’s projects for inspiration. I found some sample sketches online and was able to figure out how they did it, and what I needed to do to pull in the seconds from the DS3231 real time clock module and pass it to the nixies through the 74595 shift register.
Silly me, I was basically just goofing around and never actually saved my sketch. Once I get some more breakout boards for the minutes and hours, I’ll put together a “real” sketch. (And save it this time!)
See this project from start to finish: Nixies! Got My Nixies Powered! IN-12 Nixie Breakout Board, Part 1 Flashing a Nixie with an Arduino IN-12 Nixie Breakout Board, Part 2 Driving a Nixie with a 74141 BCD Decoder More Nixie Tube Experiments
Nixie Clock 5V / 12V Power Supply Nixie Clock PCBs / EAGLE Upgrade Nixie Clock Main Board PCB Build Nixie Clock Main Board PCB Build Nixie Clock Final Build, Part I Nixie Clock Final Build, Part II Nixie Clock Final Build, Part III Clock Button Panels