I'm in the home stretch now. The base has been made. The weapons have been made. (Oops, forgot to put the shield in the shot.) The clothes and armor have been made.
It's time for final sanding and painting!

I sanded it with 150 and 220 grit paper. I then gave it a coat of primer, followed by a buffing with some steel wool.

The seams around the waist and the thighs still needed a lot of smoothing out so I applied more 3M Acryl-Green putty and gave it another sanding with 150 and 220 grit paper.

I then gave it two coats of primer and buffed it again with the steel wool. The finish came out amazing. Printing the model with a .1mm layer height saved me a ton of time and paint. I printed the
last figurine that I made with a .2mm layer height. I think I used twice as much primer before I had the same finish. It took twice as long too.

I then gave it a few top coats of white.

I then painted the base color for the skin. The flash washed it out, but it has a slight hint of yellow.

I then started to paint in some pink, blue, and green subsurface scattering details.

I then brushed in some browns.

I then added some freckles and other skin blemishes.

Lastly, I painted the face. I tried to keep it simple. I didn't want her to look like she was wearing makeup so I had to keep the colors and the shading to a minimum.

I was in the middle of putting the armor on when disaster struck. I was holding the figurine upright on my lap while I was trying to attach the pauldrons. The figurine slipped out of my hands and when I tried to catch it between my legs I accidentally broke the leg off.

I glued it back on, but now there is a seam that you can see. I'm so close to finishing this that the thought of having to go back to filling and sanding a repainting is killing me. I decided to cover the seam with a leather strap. When I was designing all the armor, I actually thought about making some kind of thigh-mounted dagger or sword. I ended up not bothering in the end, but now it's looks like I have to make one.
I started out by getting the length of the strap right by laser cutting some poster board. It looks like this is going to work out just fine.

I then cut out the strap and two leather pieces for the scabbard from leather. I also cut out a little dagger from draftboard and acrylic.

I then sanded the dagger a little bit just to give it a shape.

I stained the leather with some wood stain and sewed the scabbard together.

Lastly, I gave the sword the graphite treatment and painted the handle brown.

That looks really cool. I'm really pleased that it worked out.

I then went back to attaching all the armor. It looks awesome. I just need to figure out the hair and I can make the straps to hold the helmet on.

After a few weeks, the wig that I ordered from eBay arrived from China. It took forever to get here. It looks really good.

With the wig glued into place, I was finally able to cut the helmet straps to the correct length.

I then glued them in place. That works perfectly.

I then took the figurine outside for a photo shoot.

Wow, this was a long project! It took months to finish it. I had a lot of fun working on this one. I am so happy with the results.
See this project from start to finish: 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part I 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part II 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part III 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part IV 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part V 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part VI 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part VII 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part VIII 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part IX 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part X 23" 3D-Printed Figurine - Part XI